Returns & Exchange Policy

  1. Serene by Cyma won’t mind if you want to return anything or everything. You can get a full refund within 10 days of purchase (returns must be unused, in the state you received them, and in the original packaging.)
  2. Please return goods with a copy of the invoice and mention the reason for returning the items.
  3. Customer needs to return the merchandise via traceable delivery i.e. courier or registered post on his own expense to our address.
  4. Delivery Charges will not be refunded.
  5. In case, the item(s) is not as per the order placed, all delivery charges will be borne by Serene by Cyma in return or exchange case, even the parcel will be picked by Serene by Cyma via courier.
  6. Refund requests will be processed within 7 working days after receiving the return products.
  7. All returns should be sent to [add location]